
(fashion photography, phonetic transcription)

telling [fashion] stories - photography, film and set design workshops by marco joe fazio

Discover the Essence of Fashion Photography and Film

At the heart of fashion photography and film lies the power to not just capture clothes but transcend mere visuals, invoking a deep sensory experience.

It's about bringing a designer's dream to life, engaging the viewer's senses with rich allusions and enigmatic symbols, and revealing layers of meaning like a masterpiece painting or a symphony.

join our workshops at telling [fashion] stories ™

Our premium workshops are designed to guide you through crafting your own captivating [fashion] stories. From the initial concept to the final shot, we explore theme development, mood, style, and the intricate dance of pre-production and execution. You'll have hands-on opportunities to direct, shoot, and bring your unique fashion narrative to life.

Workshops //

Your Pathway to Visual Mastery

Dive into hands-on sessions that bring your ideas to life. From the conceptual to the practical, our workshops are tailored to inspire.

One-to-One //

Personalised Guidance When You Need It

Elevate your skills with bespoke tuition. Our one-on-one sessions offer tailored advice to refine your craft.

Webinars //

Global Learning, Accessible Anywhere

Stay tuned for our upcoming webinars, designed to connect you with global experts from the comfort of your home.